Birth Doula & Feeding Care

Devon Tracy-Doula.CLC.CBE.

I've served in birth work for the better part of the past 6 years. I was inspired to become a doula after I lost my eldest daughters biological dad (my fiancé at the time) when she was 8 months old. I saw the gaps in support for postpartum moms and wanted to do something to help. Since, I have pursued training in perinatal mental health, lactation & feeding, & prevention of domestic and sexual abuse. I love preparing my clients for not just birth but feeding, postpartum, & parenting.

Birth Doula Care:


  • When you hire me as your birth doula you receive not just a support person at your birth but two lengthy individualized childbirth preparation sessions prior & a postpartum visit that includes a comprehensive lactation assessment once your baby arrives.
  • Why childbirth prep? Because time and again I see clients thrive who have spent time preparing for birth, postpartum, & feeding whether it's their first baby or their 5th. This isn't a powerpoint and workbook class, this is just you, your support, and myself digging deep into your hopes, dreams, and even fears about birth & the season after. We may process your previous births, look deeply at how you and your support communicate in tense times, or talk at length about the best birth place and provider for you.
  • Then, I'll be on call and available 24/7 until it's time for you to welcome your baby, I'll attend your birth once you're in active labor and stay until you and baby are recovered and tucked in.
  • 3-5 days after birth I will visit you postpartum to check in on how you're healing, discuss anything about your birth you would like and provide a lactation assessment, I am a Certified Lactation Counselor. We'll also discuss baby wearing, sleep, and helping siblings acclimate.

Every doula has a primary area of birth, feeding, or postpartum that they feel passionate about mine is, mitigating trauma and guiding people to peace about their experience through personalized preparation, intentional attendance at their birth, and thoughtful postpartum follow-up.

Q: Can I just book a feeding consultation or a feeding consult without booking doula care? YES.

Feeding Consultation Rates

Two hour in-home pre-natal lactation preparation class- 150.00

I highly recommend preparing for lactation & feeding just like you would for childbirth. Knowledge is power! This class details the ins and outs of feeding immediately after birth and in the first six weeks. We'll cover the following topics:

Breast changes in pregnancy

The Nine Stages of Awakening and First Latch After Birth

The First Two Weeks

What to look for and feel for it a successful latch

Troubleshooting with ties, nipple types, and special situations

Understanding Supply

Intro to Solids & Baby Led Weaning

Initial Home Assessment- 3-5 Days after Birth 150.00

This is a an opportunity to have a lactation assessment in the first 3-5 days after birth when mature milk arrives after the first few days of baby receiving colostrum. This 1 hour visit includes a feeding assessment, guidance on what to look & feel free in latch and supply, as well as an opportunity to nip more complicated issues in the bud should they arise as well as receive advanced referral to additional professionals should the need present itself. If you're wanting peace of mind after baby arrives and encouragement this is a great option!

S O L U T I O N F O C U S E D A S S E S S M E N T - A N Y T I M E 150.00

If your lactation journey is becoming increasingly difficult please reach out for an assessment! Lactation can be uncomfortable at first, include a bit of a learning curve as you and baby navigate feeding, but it should NOT be painful or causing you mental duress. This is an in-home visit where I'll assess a feeding, provide education and guidance, and refer to a higher level of care if neccessary.

Comprehensive Childbirth, Postpartum, & Parenting Preparation

Two, Two hour sessions in the comfort of your home.

Preparing for labor & birth is an essential part of the childbearing year. There are so many fabulous classes, great resources, and overwhelming Facebook pages out there to gather your information from. Most of them aren't able to take into account a very important part of welcoming a new baby...YOU. Most classes do not know you & your support personally, this is the benefit of in-person, tailored, preparation in the cozy comfort of your home. You can ask any question, learn how to apply your strengths to the process, and explore your weaknesses and navigate them before welcoming your baby. Each two hour individualized preparation session focuses on a different part of the childbearing year and hopefully helps to prepare you for parenthood and beyond the day your baby is born. So, how does it work?Below are some brief explanations of how we'll spend our time, they really just scrape the surface!

  • CONSULTATION: First we have a consultation to see if we are a good fit, I want you to learn with someone you and your support feel comfortable sharing with! We'll discuss your planned birthplace, provider, and pregnancy journey.
  • SESSION ONE: We'll spend session one talking about the remainder of pregnancy as well as how to know when you are in labor, the physiological processes of labor, birth, & postpartum, We'll also talk about your hopes for birth & postpartum, relationship expectations, any pertinent life experiences or challenges that will impact how you experience childbirth & parenting. Finally, we'll talk about pain-coping, non-medical & medical relief measures for pain-coping and their risks and benefits. We will leave no stone unturned, no matter the outcome of your birth, even an unplanned one, we will cover it!
  • SESSION TWO: In session two, we're on our feet quite a bit! We'll practice positions for labor and birth. We'll develop a birth plan. We'll have some fun doing "practice" contractions and helping you and your support feel like you've got a whole toolbox for when the time comes. We'll also delve into the postpartum season and discuss everything from perinatal mental health to how to use the baby carrier you were gifted at your shower. We'll lay the foundation for breastfeeding & feeding alternatives. We'll discuss newborn care and soothing. Additionally, we'll talk about relationship changes and healthy boundaries with family and friends postpartum.

Whether you're welcoming you first baby or your ninth, I really believe talking stock of all you've navigated and carrying that wisdom into your next birth & postpartum experience is so beneficial! Maybe you've birthed in a hospital but are planning a homebirth for your next baby, the preparation will look different, and preparing siblings for a baby is so important too! Preparing families for a new season is one of my absolute favorite parts of this work! You truly already have all the skills to birth and raise a kiddo, it's just learning to apply and grow those skills in a new way.


Q: What does payment for your services look like?

Payment can be divided into multiple payments but there is an initial retainer that books your services and saves your spot in my calendar. This is typically half of your overall payment. The remainder of your payment can be split up in a multitude of ways but must be paid in full by 38 weeks.

When a baby is born, so is a mother.